The Trust Channel

The Postal Service can continue to evolve and operate more like a private-sector business.” ~ Megan J. Brennan, New Postmaster’s Goal: Act Like Private Sector, Trust – Postal Service’s Greatest Asset For centuries postal services in every country across the globe have aimed to serve the people by being the trusted guardians of theContinue reading “The Trust Channel”

Smart City: If you build it for the People, they will come

Government needs to take a lead in removing barriers to innovation and facilitating collaboration between multiple diverse actors. ~ The Smart City Market Challenges of building a Smart City Smart City efforts are being initiated by cities across the globe. Regardless of the size of effort and investment, enabling smart technologies at large scale have a number of challenges.Continue reading “Smart City: If you build it for the People, they will come”

Innovation vs. Automation: Digital Business Model

It’s not enough to make a difference on product quality or delivery readiness or production scale. It’s important to innovate in areas where our competition does not act. ~ CEO, IBM Global CEO Report Innovation in Business Models Innovation in business model drives the creation of new markets and/or increases existing ones. Companies like Apple,Continue reading “Innovation vs. Automation: Digital Business Model”

ReEvolution of IT: Why CIOs should Own Digital Future

As products evolve to contain more and more digital components, the skills, experiences and best practices of IT become crucial for success of product development in a digital world. by Patrick Meehan and Tomas Nielsen Owning the Digital Future I remember when this IBM commercial first came out in mid 2000’s.  I was very excited aboutContinue reading “ReEvolution of IT: Why CIOs should Own Digital Future”

Cloud Computing: Why Strategic Planning is imperative for CIOs

Banks, insurers, universities, hospitals, retailers and government agencies as well as their IT service providers are rapidly transforming into ‘digital businesses’ based on the four converging forces: social, mobile, cloud and information. ~Gartner, Feb. 2014 Cloud Cloud, simply, is a commune of scalable IT infrastructure (hardware and software) that allows multiple users access to storageContinue reading “Cloud Computing: Why Strategic Planning is imperative for CIOs”